What you can see

13.34 - Understand how a telescope alters the appearance of:
a) stars
b) double stars
c) binary stars
d) open clusters
e) globular clusters
f) nebulae
g) galaxies

Look at the following comparing looking at the night sky naturally (Naked Eye) compared to with a telescope.

Table describing appearance of objects viewed by the naked eye and telescope
Object Naked Eye Telescope
Stars Appears as dots of light Sharper dots of light
Binary stars Appear as single star Viewed as multiple stars
Double stars Can just be seen as two stars in dark light Viewed as multiple stars
Open clusters Faint stars in close proximity. Some individuals can be seen. Numerous individual stars can be seen
Globular clusters Appear as vague ‘blur’ Detailed numerous stars can be seen
Nebulae Appears as small but slightly brighter ‘blur’ Shape is more detailed. Colours are more obvious.
Galaxies Difficult to view. Andromeda appears as a small dark grey smudge in blur conditions. Brighter and detailed view

Albireo in Cygnus
Castor Binary System
The Pleiades Open Cluster
Globular cluster M80 in Scorpius
The Orion Nebula
Andromeda Galaxy