Mr Fry's Astronomy Resources

Mr Fry

I was contacted recently with the sad news that Mr Derek Fry, Teacher of Physics and Astronomy at The Grammar School at Leeds, had passed away. They asked that I share the Astronomy materials he wrote and used with his students and publish them on the website. They are taken from here. Mr Fry was a fellow of both the Royal Astronomical Society and the Institute of Physics and his materials are excellent. You can find his obituary here.


Practice Papers

Work Papers

A total eclipse of the Sun, by the Moon, seen from the Earth

Absolute Magnitude, Apparent Magnitude and Distance
Absolute Magnitude, Apparent Magnitude and Distance Answers
Another Look at the Synodic Period
Apparent Magnitudes
Astronomical Parallax
Atmospheric Refraction of Light
Beyond the range of the Cepheid
Binary Systems
Black Hole
Calculating the distance of a geostationary/geosynchronous Satellite from the centre of the Earth
Calculating the length of the Shadow cast by the Earth in space
Cartesian (Cassegrainian) reflecting telescope
Centripetal acceleration, Kepler's Third Law of Planetary Motion
Chromatic aberration (or Chromatism)
Circumpolar Stars
Cosmic Microwave background
Defects of lenses (more of a reminder)
Definition of the Parsec (PC)
Deriving and expression for the centripetal acceleration of secondary body revolving around a primary body.
Direction of Light from the Pole Star (Polaris) overhead for an observer at the (geographical) North Pole
Displaying Your Calculation for the Eccentricity of an Ellipse
Doppler, Christian Johann (1803 1853)
Ellipse Parameters
Experiment to examine the properties of a simple, refracting astromical telescope
Experiment to Investigate Quantitatively how the Angular height of the Sun above the Horizon varies throughout the Year
Experiment to measure the angle subtended by the Sun at the Earth
Further work on stellar evolution
Fusion in the Sun
Illustrating Johannes Kepler's "Equal Areas" Law
In connexion with our calculation of the luminosity of the Sun
Interstellar (between the stars) absorption of light.
Johannes Kepler's Laws
Johannes Kepler's Second Law of Planetary Motion in detail
Latitude and Polaris
Measuring the distance to the Crab Nebula
Newton, Sir Isaac (1642 1727)
Nuclear reactions in main sequence stars
Orbital and Rotational kinetic energies; rotations and orbital angular momenta
Orders of Magnitudes of Times
Our Galaxy
Parameters of the Ellipse
Potentially Hazardous Objects / Near Earth Objects
Principal construction rays for the different images formed by a convex lens
Reflexion from an Elliptical Surface
Relating Absolute, M, and Apparent, M, Magnitude
Satellite Motion
Some Important Winter Constellations
Some Orbital Parameters of the Planets
Some Useful Astronomical Facts and Figures
Spherical Aberration
Stellar and Terrestrial Co ordinates
Stellar Evolution
Supplement to Hubble and the redshifts of galaxies
Terrestrial Tides
The "Cepheid Variable" method of Distance Determination
The "Magnifying" glass
The "reduced" (meaning simplified) human eye, and the image formed of the moon
The angle subtended by Mercury at the Earth, when the Planet transits the Solar Disc
The Angular Elevation of Polaris (the Pole Star) and the Latitude of the Observer
The Angular Measurements of Some Objects
The Astronomical Refracting Telescope
The Astronomical Telescope
The Basic Ellipse
The Celestial Sphere for an Observer at 51⁰ N
The Coriolis (Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis) 1792 1843
The Equation of Time
The Geocentric Parallax of the Moon
The Heliocentric (centered on the Sun) Parallax of a Star
The Lifetime of the Sun
The Magnitude System
The Observations of Eratosthenes and the Interpretation of his Measurements
The Orbit of the Planet Mercury
The precessional Motion of the Earth
The Principal Spring Constellations
The Prominence of Mars
The Relative Sensitivity of the Eye
The Saros Cycle
The Sun
The Terrestrial Seasons
The Total Lunar Eclipse 28th September 2015
The Unit of Distance the Parsec (PC)
Tides on the Earth
Transits of Venus
Understanding Stars
Using String to measure the circumference of a plate masquerading as the Earth.
Why does the Earth Wobble?